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How to Repair Windows 7 without Reinstall

Sometimes Windows 7 may crash or even damaged. We can predict things happen to us. So, Here i will telp you the tips How to Repair Windows 7 without Reinstall Windows 7 system improvement is an important thing that must be possessed. Repair system disk in Windows 7 can be used to repair Windows, restore the windows because the application program that is not appropriate, restore damaged registry and others.

Before you create a disk repair system, please provide a blank CD / DVD and CD /DVD writer hardware. Here is how to make Disc Repair System in Windows 7

  1. Open the Control Panel. Click on Backup your computer at the System and Securityitems.
  2. Click Create a system repair disc menu on the left side.
  3. In the window create a system repair disc, select the CD/DVD drive and insert your CD/DVD blank. Click Create to start creating disc disc repair system.
  4. Click Create Disk, and wait until the end.

Now, if windows 7 you errors, you can restore it again without a reinstall. If you want to use this CD Disk Repair System, set the first boot via CD/DVD  music posters and follow the steps to repair it.

I hop this tips How to Repair Windows 7 without Reinstall will useful for you all.

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